Acupuncture &
Herbal Medicine
"Thank you to Whole Health Acupuncture for creating an emotionally and physically safe place to explore the path to conception" - Anonymous
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete health care system developed over 2000 years ago in China. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are the integral components of this ancient medicine.
Chinese Acupuncture
Both preventative and curative in nature, acupuncture works by regulating the body’s energy as it flows along pathways called meridians. A blockage in the flow of energy may result in an imbalance that can lead to any number of medical conditions. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points along these meridians with the shallow insertion of very fine, sterilized, single-use, disposable needles. After a comprehensive intake, an array of points are chosen based on your individual condition to rebalance your body and restore the free flow of energy.
Japanese Acupuncture
Japanese acupuncture derives from the same theoretical roots as Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, but uses even thinner needles and gentler techniques. Consequently, patients find the treatments gentle and relaxing, with minimal, if any, discomfort. Most patients do not notice the insertion of needles, allowing those with a fear of needles to be treated by this effective healing system.
For the Needle Sensitive
Although most people find the idea of acupuncture needles more worrisome than the actual needles themselves, there are cases in which patients may opt for therapies that do not involve the use of needles at all. For the needle sensitive (and for children), there are non-needling techniques that are used with productive results. Magnets and moxabustion are gentle ways to stimulate acupuncture points. Moxabustion uses the herb Artemesia Vulgaris to warm specific areas of the body to improve circulation, and blood flow. Traditional meridian massage and cupping techniques are also particularly effective – as well as soothing. If you have concerns about any treatment, you can request gentle, non-needle techniques or ask for a demonstration of the modality before treatment.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
​An important component of Chinese Medicine is the use of plant substances to treat various health conditions. As practitioners of Chinese Herbal Medicine, we comprehensively assesses the whole person – as well as a patient’s primary health concern – and create an individualized herbal formula that effectively treats her/his unique health concern without side-effects. Herbal medicine can be used in conjunction with acupuncture or by itself. Leaves, flowers, seeds or roots are prepared in traditional formulas to effectively treat and prevent disease. Common herbs include cinnamon bark, ginger root, ginseng and mandarin orange peels. We us only the highest quality herbs. Herbal formulas can be prescribed as teas, capsules, pills or tinctures.